سال تولید2011
01. Restless (1:04)
02. Gears Keep Turning (3:01)
03. Meanwhile Below Deck (1:21)
04. Stalk City (2:12)
05. High Seas Tension (1:49)
06. Infected Large and Hungry (1:39)
برای دانلود آلبوم به ادامه مطلب بروید
07. Marcus’ Rock (1:40)
08. Calm before Chaos (2:13)
09. Bridge Too Far Indeed (3:42)
10. Those Aren’t Stranded (2:13)
11. Forever Omen (2:06)
12. Hanover’s Favorite Son (1:43)
13. Fence House Suicide Pills (2:09)
14. Ghost Town (1:43)
15. A Fine Mess (3:31)
16. Loss of a Leader (2:10)
17. Deadland Dance (5:17)
18. Creeping Dread (2:25)
19. Hammer Meet Anvil (3:05)
20. Corpser Ambush (2:15)
21. Last Resort (1:27)
22. Full Circle (3:43)
23. Jumped Species Barrier (2:06)
24. Ashes Fall Down (4:02)
25. Fathoms Below (2:37)
26. Gasbag Airways (2:06)
27. Paradise Found (3:11)
28. Father and Son (2:25)
29. Fury of the Tempest (3:12)
30. Live for Me (2:52)
31. Finally a Tomorrow (3:58)
لینک دانلود مستقیم کل آلبوم
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