موسیقی متن بسیار زیبا و جذاب بازی “سرزمین ناشناخته 3: فریب دریک”
سال تولید2011
01 Nate’s Theme 3.0 1:48
02 Atlantis of the Sands 2:33
03 The Setup 2:29
04 Small Beginnings 2:16
برای دانلود آلبوم به ادامه مطلب بروید
05 Bazaar Brawl 2:49
06 The Settlement 2:59
07 Badlands 2:44
08 As Above, So Below 2:05
09 Iram of the Pillars 2:58
10 Arachnophobia 2:05
11 The London Underground 2:25
12 Mind Games 2:53
13 Sink or Swim 3:06
14 The Empty Quarter 2:24
15 Boarding Party 3:04
16 Second-Story Work 2:06
17 Maritime Malfeasance 2:35
18 Drake’s Return 3:43
19 Shootout 2:37
20 Oh No Chateau 2:46
21 Science and Magic 3:04
22 Museum Bust 4:46
23 Searching for Sully 3:18
24 The Caravan 3:18
25 Pursuit 2:54
26 Something Better 2:33
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